I sat down with Isaac in killer instinct a new artist that in the music business. Isaac is 11 years old, He believes that music is awesome. He wants to learn how to use a DJ set up faster rather then the speed that he is going now.What music means to Isaac is that he is able to be happy,every time he gets in the DJ mood it makes him happy and makes him wanna put stuff out there to the world that is new.Isaac wants to past a test that he sets for him self in music that test is to be one of the best DJ''s out there.Isaac looks up to him self no one else I guess he is just a born DJ that came into this world.The type of music he listens to is R&B he really enjoys the sounds and beats the artistes put with there music.One of the main questions that I asked Isaac was what keeps him motivated he told me that the beats that he hears keeps him motivated to do what he does he considers his style as fancy so he is a fancy DJ. This is what Isaac is all about I cant wait for yall to hear this DJ it is going to blow your mind.