Hey I sat down with this new artist in killer instict kiana she thinks that music is fun and she loves singing she is 8 years old. What she wants to get out of music is everything she wants to get everything out of music and learn all how she can be come the best and be a step ahead of the whol music business.Kiana told me that music means happy which means in your saddest days all you have to do is listen to music and it will make you happy no matter how down you are all you have to do is blast it up loud and you will be perfectly fine.what Kiana wants to get out of this music bunisses is to be a better singer then any other singer that pops into her mind,she looks up to Nicki Minaj as a artist because of her style and how she does not care what anybodys says.kianas style as a artist is wild and crazy does not care what nobdy says because they are only hateing on her because she is little and she blows all the artist out the water.I asked kiana one last question and the question was what keeps you motivated in music and she says people singing keeps her motivated to do more and more I dont know about yall but i cant wait to see this little girl kill the stage and blows your mind away.